26 September |
Sunday |
10.00 - 21.00 |
Arrival and registration of conference participants |
27 September |
Monday |
9.00 |
Departure to National Taurida Vladimir Vernadsky University in Simferopol |
11.00 - 11.15 |
Opening of conference in National Taurida Vladimir Vernadsky University |
words of Nikolaj V. Bagrov , Professor, Member of National Academy of Science of Ukraine , Rector of National Taurida Vladimir Vernadsky University , Chief of Crimean Scientific Center of NAS and MES of Ukraine (Ukraine).
words of Lev D. Belousov , Professor of Moscow State Mikhail Lomonosov University (Russia).
Salutatory words of Frits-Albert Popp , Vice-president of the International Institute of Biophys ics (Germany). |
11.15 - 13.00 |
Memorial plenary session Co-chairs: N.V. Bagrov (Ukraine), L.V. Belousov (Russia),
F.-A. Popp (Germany ) |
Opening of Memorial Sign devoted to Alexander Gurwitsch and Gleb Frank.
V.L. Voeikov, L.V. Belousov Outline of Mitogenetic Biology and Contemporary State of Art (Moscow State University, Russia)
V. Lavrov Crimean Periods in Scientific Creativity of A.G. Gurwitsch (National Taurida Vladimir Vernadsky University , Ukraine).
14.00 |
Departure to Partenit |
19.30 |
Cultural program |
20.30 |
Welcome party |
28 September |
Tuesday |
10.00 - 14.00 |
Plenary session " Biophotonic - Spontaneous and Induced Ultraweak Radiation of the Living Systems, Their Physical Nature and Biological Role
Co-chairs: B.M. Vladimirsky (Ukraine), V.L. Voeikov (Russia), M. Lipkind (Israel) |
10.00 - 10.40 |
F.-A. Popp Quantum Mechanism of Oscillatory Photon Trapping (International Institute of Biophys ics , Germany)
10.40 - 11.20 |
L.V. Belousov A Holistic Organization of Cells and Multicellular System as Revealed by Studies of the Ultra Weak Photon Emission (Moscow State University , Russia)
11.20 - 11.40 |
Coffee-break |
11.40 - 12.20 |
V.L. Voeikov High Density Energy in Water and Aqueous Systems (Moscow State University , Russia)
12.20 - 13.00 |
A.V. Budagovsky, O.N. Budagovskaya, I.A. Budagovsky Biological Structures as a Converter of Coherent Irradiation (VNIIGiSPR, VNIIS, FIAN, Russia)
13.00 - 13.40 |
V.E. Orel, N. N. Dzyatkovskaya, M. I. Danko, Andriy V. Romanov, Yu. I. Mel'nik Spatial and Mechanoemission Chaos of Mechanically Deformed Tumor Cells (Institute of Oncology AMS of Ukraine , Ukraine) |
15.00 - 19.00 |
Plenary session "A Problem of Coherency (Holistic Coordination) of the Living Processes in the Developing and Steady-state Organisms as an Elaboration and Generalization of the Morphogenetic Field Concept" Co-chairs: L.V. Belousov (Russia), S.P.Syt'ko (Ukraine), R.V. Wijk (Netherlands) |
15.00 - 15.40 |
M. Lipkind The Concept of Field in Contemporary Models of Consciousness: The Analysis of the "Hard Problem of Consciousness" in the Light of the Gurwitsch's Theory of Morphogenetic Field (Kimron Veterinary Institute, Israel)
15.40 - 16.20 |
Roeland Van Wijk, Eduard P.A. Van Wijk Long Term Correlations in Photon Emission of Human Body (Netherlands) |
16.20 - 17.00 |
Eduard Van Wijk, Roeland Van Wijk Multi-site Registration of Spontaneous Photon Emission of Human Body (International Institute of Biophys ics , Neuss , Germany) |
17.00 - 17.20 |
Coffee-break |
17.20 - 18.00 |
S.P. Syt'ko Human Genome Realization at the Viewpoint of Phys ics of the Alive (Scientific Research Center of Quantum Medicine "Vidhuk" of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Ukraine)
18.00 - 18.40 |
V.N. Binhi Theoretical Researches into Magnetobiology (General Phys ics Institute RAS, Russia )
29 September |
Wednesday |
10.00 - 11.30 |
Session " Biological Effects of Natural and Technogenous Electromagnetic Fields and Radiations"
Co-chairs: V.N. Binhi (Russia), N.A. Temuryants (Ukraine) |
10.00 - 10.30 |
B.M.Vladimirsky, Konradov A.K. The Changes of The Parameters of Water Solutions in Natural Conditions by electromagnetic fields - the case of spurious variations of solar neutrino flux in Cherenkov detector (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory , Ukraine) |
10.30 - 10.45 |
B. Grubnik Psycho-Emotional Reactions as One of Biologically Effects of Influence of mm-Range Electromagnetic Radiation on Human Body (Scientific Research Center of Quantum Medicine "Vidhuk" of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine , Ukraine) |
10.45 - 11.00 |
G.N. Surkenova, A.F. Revin, V.I. Bruskov, Z.K. Masalimov The Secondary Biogenic Radiation (SBR). Myth or reality? (Institut of Cell Biophys ics RAS, Russia)
11.00 - 11.15 |
P. A. Kashulin, N.V. Kalacheva Comparison of Plant Objects' Secondary Biogenic Emission Bioactivity Provoked by Their Preliminary UV, and Roentgen, and Gamma Irradiance (Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, Kola Science Centre RAS, Russia)
11.15 - 11.30 |
V.V.Tsetlin, S.V. Zenin, N.E. Lebedeva The Nature And Mechanism of The Interaction of a Superweak Ionizing Radiation With an Aqueous Medium (Institute of Medical-Biological Problems, Russia)
11.30 - 11.45 |
N.A. Belova, L.K. Srebnitskaya, V.V. Lednev Preliminary Exposure of Ną2T+3 and TąTl2 Solutions to the Ultra-weak Magnetic Fields Affects the Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophys ics RAS, Russia)
11.45 - 12.00 |
V.S. Martynyuk, Yu.V. Tseisler, D.A. Panov, P.S. Kalinovsky Hydrophobic Interactions in Biological Structures as Possible Target for Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields (Crimean scientific Center of NAS and MES of Ukraine)
12.00 - 12.15 |
T.A. Zenchenko, A.A. Konradov, K.I. Zenchenko Correlation of Expressiveness Degree of the "Nearest Zone Effect" With Heliogeophysical Indexes (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biochemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
12.15 - 12.30 |
Coffee-break |
12.30 - 14.00 |
Discussion |
15.00 - 19.00 |
Cultural program. Visit to Livadia Palace and organ-hall |
20.00 - 23.00 |
Banquet |
30 September |
Thursday |
10.00 - 19.00 |
1 October |
Friday |
10.00 - 11.30 |
Session "Biophoton ics £ Spontaneous and Induced Ultra-weak Radiation of the Living Systems, Their Physical Nature and Biological role " & " A Problem of Coherency (Holistic Coordination) of the Living Processes in the Developing and Steady-state Organisms and Elaboration and Generalization of the Morphogenetic Field Concept"
Co-chairs: A.B. Burlakov (Russia), Rajendra Prasad Bajpai (India), O.N. Yankovsky (Byelorussia) |
10.00 - 10.15 |
Rajendra Prasad Bajpai Specification of Quantum States of Different Spectral Components of a Spontaneous Biophoton Signal and the Possibility of Remote Intervention (North Eastern Hill University, India) |
10.15 - 10.30 |
I. Lucic, K. W. Kratky, H. Klima Biophoton Emission of Mycelium Tissue That Was Treated With Mechanical Waves vs. Non-treated Mycelium Tissue of Psilocybe cubensis (Vienna University, Austria) |
10.30 - 10.45 |
A.B. Burlakov, O.V. Burlakova, V.A. Golichenkov Disturbances in Formation of Axial Structures in Loach Embryos After Distant Optical Interactions ( Moscow State University , Russia ) |
10.45 - 11.00 |
T.D. Stanciulesku From "Vital Force" to "Morphogenetic Field": Biophotonic Process in the Organism Developing and Health State ("Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania)
11.00 - 11.15 |
T. Troshina, L.V. Beloussov Absorption and transmission of photons by the collagen samples and by tendons (Moscow State University, Russia; International Institute of Biophysics, Germany)
11.15 - 11.30 |
>I.A. Stepanyuk Features of Reaction of Biological and Physic-Chemical Systems to External Factors (Russian State Hydrometeorologyal University , Russia)
11.30 - 12.00 |
Coffee-break |
12.00 - 14.00 |
Posters |
N.V. Budagovskaya and V.I. Guliaev Shoot-root Interaction at Calcium Channel Blockage and Antioxidant Action (Institute of Plant Physiology of RAS, Russia) |
Burlakov, A.B., Burlakova, O.V., Golichenkov, V.A., Kapranov, Yu. S., Korotkina, M.R., Kufal, G.E., Perminov, S.V. Distant Interactions of Biological Objects Via Optical Elements (Lomonosov Moscow State University, FGUP NII Prezisionnogo priborostroenia, Russia)
A.B. Burlakov, P.de Tarso Costa dos Santos, V.L. VoeikovCommunication Between Developing Loach Embryos Provided by the Autophotonic® Device (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Biophotonic GMBH, Germany)
E.N. Chuyan, N.A. Temuryants Modification of Infradian Rtythmicity of Neutrophyles Functional Activity by Low Intensity Ultra-High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (National Taurida University, Ukraine)
Chuyan E.N., Makhonina M.M. Change of a Functional State Of The Synthetic Apparatus Of Lymphocytes In a Rat Blood On Isolated And Combined With a Hypokinesia Activity Effect Of Low-Intensity EMF Of EHF (Vernadsky Taurida National University, Ukraine) |
Yu. P. Gorgo, I.A. Koserezkaja, N.Ya. Litvinov Aspects Weak Influences Physic-Chemical Factors of Environment on Insects (The Taras Shevchenko Kiev national university, Ukraine) |
.Yu P.Gorgo, T.P. Palatny Features of the Weak Influence of Focused Ultrasound on Change in Electrical Resistance of Brain Structures (The Taras Shevchenko Kiev national university, Ukraine) |
Gromozova E. N., Voychuk S. I. Research of Yeast as Model for Study of Radiofrequency EMF Action on Eukaryotic Cells (Institute of microbiology and virology NAS Ukraine, Ukraine)
P.E. Grigoriev, V.S. Martynyuk, N.A. TemuryantsHeliogeophysical Variables Affect the Infradian and Long-Term Rhythmic of Dehydrogenases(Crimean State Medical University; Crimean Science Center of NAS and MES of Ukraine; National Taurida V. Vernadsky University, Ukraine)
S.V. Plaksin S.V., I.I. Sokolovskiy I.I., Yu. A. Filippov Methods of Active Bio-diagnost ics With the Use High-Coherent Fields of UHF-range (Institute of the transport systems and technologies of the NAS of Ukraine Transmag, Ukraine)
Jiang Kanzheng Life Potential Management Using Biomagnetic Fields (Institute of Jiang , Russia)
A.K. Kirilov, A.N. Kazimirov Nonlinear Responce on the Influence of Variable Magnetic Field Under Uncontrollable External Factors (Chelyabinsk State Teacher University , Russian)
T. Kulahava, G. Semenkova, Z. Kvacheva , S. Cherenkevich Structure-Functional Changes in C-6 Glioma Cells under the Hydrogen Peroxide Action (Belarus State University , Byelorussia)
A.A. Krjukov, G.N Semenkova, M.G. Petuh, S.N. Cherenkevich Stimulation of Redox-System of Monocytes by Hydrogen Peroxide (Belarus State University, Byelorussia)
S.B. Martynyuk Influence of Low Frequency Magnetic Field on Inter-Hemisphere Asymmetry of Brain in Animals(national Taurida V. Vernadsky University, Ukraine)
Yu. A. Nikolaev, Seshu B. DesuDistant interaction during germination of Bacillus subtilis spores (Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology Russian Academy of Science, Russia; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, USA
N. Ph. Perevozchikov, V. Sharihin New Kind Electromagnetic Radiation and Mitogenetic Emission (Moscow institute phys ics and technology, Russia)
V. G. Petukhov On the Nature of Gurwitsch Mitogenetic Radiation(L.A.Tarasevich State Research Institute, Russia) |
B. Rud'ko , A. Ivanovska Application of the MMW Reflectometry Method for Investigation of Liquid-Crystalic Phase of Lipids in Human Organism (Scientific Research Center of Quantum Medicine "Vidhuk" of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine , Ukraine) |
M.S. Hrebesh, K. Divakar Rao, Yogesh Verma, P. K . Gupta Design and Characterization of Fiber Opt ics Based on Optical Coherence Tomography for High Resolution Imaging of Biological Specimens (International School of Photon ics , India)
D.I. Shvets Self-organization of vivid systems in condition of "microbial" blast (by destruction of ecotoxicants at participation natural biosorbent) (Institute for sorption and problems of endoecology NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine)
T.D. Stanciulesku, D. M. Manu The Biological lasers Theory: Towards an Integrative Understanding of Biophoton ics (LAl. I. CuzaL University & National Invent ics Institute of Iasi, Romania)
N.A. Temuryants, E.A. Shishko Infradian Rtythmicity of Antibacterial System of Blood Neutrophils in Hipokinetic Stressed Rats (National Taurida University, Ukraine)
N.A. Temuryants, V.A. Minko Changes of Infradian Rthythmicity of Blood Neutrophile Antibacterial System in Rats With Various Locomotor Activity Under Low Intensity Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field Influence (National Taurida University , Ukraine)
Tiunin V.L., Madyar S.A., Pavlenko V.B. Correction of Influence of Intensive Computer Work Using Visual Color Stimulation And EEG Biofeedback (National Taurida V.Vernadsky University; International Social Academy "Modus Coloris", Ukraine)
T. Troshina, L.V. Beloussov Absorption and transmission of photons by the collagen samples and by tendons(Moscow State University, Russia; International Institute of Biophysics, Germany) |
V.V.Tsetlin, S.V. Zenin, N.E. Lebedeva The Nature And Mechanism of The Interaction of a Superweak Ionizing Radiation With an Aqueous Medium |
I. Yakimenko Influence of Low Level Laser Radiation on Embryonic and Post-Embryonic Development of Japanese Quail (Belay Tserkov Agrarian University , Ukraine) |
O.N. Yankovsky*, I.I. Azarko, V.B. Odzaev, I.A. Karpovich, N.V. Sushinskaya, V.S. Prosolovich Photoprotective Properties of Natural Melanins (Belorussian State University, Belorussia)
15.00 - 19.00 |
Cultural program. |
2 October |
Saturday |
10.00 - 12.00 |
Summarizing and closing of conference |
14.00 |
Departure |