3rd Alexander Gurwitsch conference
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  Alexander Gavrilovich Gurwitsch (1874-1954)

Alexander Gavrilovich Gurwitsch (1874-1954), one of the most outstanding biologists of XX century, was in 1918-1924 a Professor of Histology in Taurida University. Right there he made his most important discovery of an ultraweak photon emission from the living systems (which gave rise to the biophotonics) and submitted a first sketch of the morphogenetic field theory. The conference is adjusted to the 130 anniversary of Gurwitsch’s birthday and, at the same time, to the 100 anniversary of Academician Gleb Frank, a founder of the Institute of Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Attending in 1920-24 the lectures in Taurida University, Frank was one of the closest Gurwitsch’s students and made an important contribution o the biophotonics. By a happy occasion, a house of the first Gurwitsch Laboratory in Simferopol is still preserved and will be decorated by a Memory Desk during the opening of the Conference.

Two preceded Gurwitsch Conferences took place in Moscow State University in 1994 and 1999 correspondingly and got a wide international audience. The papers presented at the conferences have been published as the following volumes:

Biophotonics (L.V.Beloussov and F.-A. Popp eds) BioInform Services, Moscow, 1995.
Biophotonics and Coherent Systems (L.V.Beloussov, F.-A. Popp, V.L. Voeikov and R. van Wijk eds) Moscow University Press, Moscow 2000.


General information Organizers and organizing committee First information letter and call for papers
Second information letter and call for papers Conference place, registration fee, accommodation
Topics Registration Registered participants Preliminary Program Links Abstracts Photo report
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